Crèdit Andorrà Gseries
L’espectacle esportiu de motor de l’hivern
The GSeries are born from the passion for motorsport that has always existed in Andorra. The beginnings date back to 1996, when the first ice races were held, very close to where our Circuit is located today. More than 25 years later, the competition has become the benchmark ice championship in southern Europe.
There are 4 categories participating in the event, which has an accumulated average participation of more than 250 drivers of various nationalities in the 4 races of each season.
Today, the championship, stronger than ever, looks firmly ahead with a 100% electric category that aims to be the seed of the GSeries of the future.
Notícies d’actualitat
Estigues al corrent de tota l’actualitat de les GSERIES
Una G4 molt intensa va decidir els podis de les ANDBANKGSeries 2024
Bercianos: “Hem pogut completar els quatre meetings gràcies al suport de tots els implicats al campionat”. Es van dissipar els dubtes, Antonio Otero (Clio ICE Trophy), Jose Roger (Side by Side) i Maxime Emery (ICE Gladiators) es van proclamar vencedors, en [...]
Tot per decidir a les AndbankGSeries 2024. La G4 serà decisiva
Bercianos: “Després de 20 dies d’anticicló vam estar encertats en prendre les decisions per celebrar la G3”. […]
Les AndbankGSeries 2024 tornen a l’activitat, amb canvis al PROGRAMA HORARI.
Amb totes les opcions obertes al Clio ICE Trophy i l’ICE Gladiators, caldrà veure si Jose Roger segueix dominant entre els buggies. […]